Constant back ache?

Lower back pain occurs due to severe muscle strain or a back injury. Those who suffer from lower back pain often resort to shortcuts like popping pain killers or applying pain-relieving ointments. This, however, as said earlier, is a shortcut, which merely provides temporary relief and eventually turns into a habit. Take a break from those pain killers and ointments and practice these simple exercises to help relieve lower back pain.
Knee chest exercise
On a mat, lie flat on your back with your legs straight. Place your hands over your right knee and gradually pull it towards your chest. Maintain this posture for about 10 seconds. Then take off your hands from your knee and lower your leg back on the mat. Do the same with your right knee and repeat five times. You can gradually increase the number of repititons and later practice this exercise using both your knees simultaneously.
Mid back stretch
Stand with your feet apart and hand on your hips. Gently twist to your left at the waist, without changing the position of your feet. Try to look over your shoulder and hold for five to 10 seconds. Now untwist. Repeat by twisting to your left. Do this about five times.
Hip Rolls
Stand with your feet apart with hands on your hips. Slowly move your hips in a clock-wise circular motion. Next, go in an anti-clock wise circular motion. Repeat it about five times.
Stand with your right leg in from of your left leg. Bend your knees gradually, sinking into a lunge. Keep your back straight and your left knee directly above your left foot. Hold for five to 10 seconds. Vary with your left knee. Make five repetitions.
It is always recommended to consult your Physiotherapist or Fitness consultant before you start doing exercise. Lets us know if we could help you in designing your fitness schedule. For any queries please drop us an email.
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